Friday, June 5, 2020

Nursing Patient Centered Care Nursing Assignment - 550 Words

Nursing: Patient Centered Care Nursing Assignment (Essay Sample) Content: STUDENT'S NAMEUNIVERSITY AFFILIATIONCOURSEDATETITLE: PATIENT CENTRED CAREAs a school clinical I have delivered patient-centered care in a holistic sense by first understanding my patients.the situation I pick particularly is one where I attended to a young lady who had been involved in an accident with her family and they all lost their lives but she survived. Holistic care has several aspects such as the social, physical, psychological and spiritual aspect (Mooney,2007). I have been able to create a good relationship with her by getting to know her well, her name, making eye contact with her while were communicating, seeking for her opinions on how I can relieve her anxiety, respecting her dignity and views, understanding her cultural and religious beliefs, I've been friendly and always smile to her while talking to her and I've also educated her on how important self-care is.I have made it my mission to ensure that through my care towards her, I have contributed to her happiness and well-being(Brady, 2008). I also involved her in her own well-being because these are very therapeutic and creates hope and self-discipline towards the patient. The key to achieving holistic care towards that girl is being open with her and getting to involve her in making decisions concerning herself. I have also used the holistic approach in the psychological sense towards the young girl by:Taking some time off to take walks with her to relieve her stress, taking some time to listen to her worries and stories that she feels like she needs someone to share them with. I have also done some counseling to her because she has been stressed and mentally depressed in order to help her stay calm both in mind and body(Brobst, 2009). I have also boosted her self-esteem by encouraging her to gain self-worth. In the physical sense, I have helped my her persevere through pain and also I have provided her with a well-balanced diet and nutritious meals in order to enhance he r physical well-being. In the spiritual sense, I have given her a chance to forgive herself for the accident because she blames herself for it. I have also encouraged her to stay calm and peaceful in order to have a quiet life and one free from mental stress (Brobst, 2009).In the ...

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