Sunday, December 29, 2019

Types Of Behavior And Behavioral Skills - 834 Words

Behavior is the way an individual conducts oneself in response to another or a particular situation. It can be a natural factor or can be learned from the people and environment around an individual. There are many different types of behavior and behavioral skills such as analytical thinking, commitment, communicating, concentration, and persistence. Although there are many different behaviors, one that is a big attention seeker and should be altered is the control of one’s emotions. Emotion is the affective aspect of consciousness. It is a conscious mental reaction that is an instinctive feeling usually directed toward a specific object and typically accompanied by behavioral changes in the human frame. Many people have an internal battle with themselves based on not being able to take control of their emotional state whether it is anger, embarrassment, disgust, depression or anything else that may bother a person. There are many steps one can take in order to change such a b ehavior and better themselves. Controlling emotions is best changed by using classical conditioning principles which is when an organism associates one stimulus with another because the first is a cue for the second. Emotions are classified here due to them being developed from a specific circumstance he or she may be involved with. For instance, a bad financial problem may prompt a person to be upset or angry which in return triggers stress. Daily occurrences are a cue for emotional reactions forShow MoreRelatedEssay Cognitive Behavioral Therapy1200 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"professional counseling is an application of mental health, psychological or development principles, through cognitive, affective, behavioral or systemic intervention strategies, that address wellness, personal growth, or career development† (Cherry - Paraphrase). Many counselors specialize in specific forms of therapy. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Dorian Gray And The Lady Of Shallot Stepping Out Of The...

During one’s life, one must step out into the real world and experience all of what the world has to offer. In order to attain a well-balanced life both mentally and socially, one may seek any way possible to live life to the fullest. We were put on this earth to live- not just simply by breathing in and out everyday, and making life the best it can possibly be. It has been said that you have not really died if you have lived. This theory has been applied to several pieces of literature. In the book The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde and â€Å"The Lady of Shallot† by Alfred Lord Tennyson, two characters have not lived their life to the fullest extent. In the aforementioned literature, the characters of Sibyl Vane and the Lady of Shallot†¦show more content†¦I knew nothing but shadows, and I thought them real†¦. Prince Charming! I have grown sick of shadows (66).† Sibyl repeatedly hides away from having to be a part of life because she has been in a world of unreality. When she loves Dorian she has the courage to step out of the shadows. She has stepped out into the world and the world his her life, depriving her of the shadows. When she finally steps out of her shadows and into her reality, fate comes into play. When Dorian tells her the he does not love her anymore, she cannot take the reality and in return commits suicide. Also bored of these â€Å"shadows† of life is the Lady of Shallot. She is fed up with seeing beautiful sights in her mirror and not being able to take part in them. She proclaims, â€Å"I am half sick of shadows (Tennyson 71).† In the Lady’s case, her shadow is the mirror. She lives for the shadows because she needs them to experience life. However, she wants to experience the world first-hand, without the mirror, or her shadow. When she heads toward Camelot, she leaps out of the shadows. Comparable to that of Sibyl Vane, when she is separated from her shadows, her unfortunate fate is met. Perhaps their fate could have been changed if these women had learned to step into reality at an earlier stage in life. Opposite of their own sheltered worlds, Sibyl Vane and the Lady of Shallot should have both experienced life through something that is not concrete. Both of their fates are determined by these

Friday, December 13, 2019

Clustering Techniques in Oodbms (Using Objectstore) Free Essays

Introduction Performance of a database can be greatly impacted by the manner in which data is loaded. This fact is true regardless of when the data is loaded; whether loaded before the application(s) begin accessing the data, or concurrently while the application(s) are accessing the data. This paper will present various strategies for locating data as it is loaded into the database and detail the performance implications of those strategies. We will write a custom essay sample on Clustering Techniques in Oodbms (Using Objectstore) or any similar topic only for you Order Now Data Clustering, Working Sets, and Performance With ObejctStore access to persistent data can perform at in-memory speeds. In order to achieve in-memory speeds, one needs cache affinity. Cache affinity is the generic term that describes the degree to which data accessed within a program overlaps with data already retrieved on behalf of a previous request. Effective data clustering allows for better, if not optimal, cache affinity. Data density is defined as the proportion of objects within a given storage block that are accessed by a client during some scope of activation. Clustering is a technique to achieve high data density. The working set is defined as the set of database pages a client needs at a given time. ObjectStore is a page-based architecture which performs best when the following goals are met: †¢ Minimize the number of pages transferred between the client and server †¢ Maximize the use of pages already in the cache In order to achieve these goals, the working set of the application should be optimal. The way to achieve an optimal working set is via data clustering. With good data clustering more data can be accessed in fewer pages; thus a high data density rate is obtained. A higher data density results in a smaller working set as well as a better chance of cache affinity. A smaller working set results in fewer page transfers. The following sections in this paper will explain several clustering patterns/techniques for achieving better performance via cache affinity, higher data density and a smaller working set. NOTE: clustering is used in this paper as a concept of locality of reference. The term is not being used to refer to the physical storage unit available in ObjectStore. ObjectStore does present the user with a choice for location of allocations: with the database, within a particular segment, within a particular cluster. For the remainder of this paper, the discussion of cluster is a conceptual one, not the ObjectStore physical one. Database Design Process Database design is one of the most important steps in designing and implementing an ObjectStore application. The following steps are pre-requisites for a database design: 1) Identify key use cases (ones which need to be fast and/or are run frequently) 2) Identify the object(s) used by the use cases called out in step 1 3) Identify the object(s) that are read or updated during the use cases called out in step 1 The focus of clustering efforts should be on the database objects which are used in the high priority use cases identified above. Begin to cluster based on one use case, and then validate with others. The database design strategies which lend themselves to achieving the optimal working set are: †¢ Clustering †¢ Partitioning There are several different types of techniques which result in data being well clustered: †¢ Isolate Index †¢ Pooling †¢ Object Modeling Data Clustering Clustering is a technique used to achieve high data density. Another definition of clustering is a grouping of objects together. If a use case requires objects A, B and C to operate, then those objects should be co-located for optimal data density. If upon loading the database, those objects are physically allocated close to one another, then we say we have clustered those objects. Assume that the size of the three objects combined is less than the size of a physical database page. The clustering leads to high data density because when we fetch the page with object A, we will also get objects B and C. In this particular case, we need just one page transfer to get all objects required for our use case. To accomplish good clustering, one must know the use cases and the objects involved in those use cases. Given that knowledge, the goals of clustering are: †¢ Cluster objects together which are accessed together †¢ Separate (de-cluster, or partition – we will discuss partitioning in detail later in this paper) objects which are never accessed together. This includes separating frequently accessed data from rarely accessed data. Partitioning Partitioning is a strategy to isolate subsets of objects in different physical storage units. By definition, if two objects are in different partitions, they are de-clustered. The two goals of partitioning are to gain isolation and to increase data density. Isolation is desirable when concurrent access is required. The scope of this paper is not intended to cover concurrency. For that reason our discussion of partitioning will be rather brief. Although partitioning is intended for isolating objects, its use can improve data density. This may seem, by definition, to be counter intuitive. Let us use an example to illustrate. Imagine a grocery store. If you were in need of a box of cereal, you would go down the cereal aisle. If the grocer has done his job correctly, the aisle (or some number of shelves in the aisle) will be populated ONLY with boxes of cereal. Because other items have been located in their respective aisles/shelves, the entire cereal aisle is dense with cereal. If the grocer had not done the job correctly, a given section of a shelf might have (for instance) boxes of noodles, cans of vegetables, and bags of chips. In this scenario, the shelf does not have good data density for the goal of obtaining a box of cereal. Recall the definition of data density: the proportion of objects within a given storage block that are accessed by a client during some scope. Our scope is to obtain a box of cereal. Our storage block is the aisle or a shelf. If the shelf in question contains many items other than cereal, then we have poor data density. If, on the other hand, we partition the non-cereal items to be in different aisles, then the cereal aisle would contain only cereal and thus a high data density would Conclusion The way in which data is loaded into the database can have significant impact on the performance of an application. Careful analysis of the use cases for an application should allow key objects to be identified. Once key objects are identified, a clustering strategy can be planned. Several of the techniques presented here can allow for a clustering strategy that will boost performance far beyond any tuning that might be done after the database is loaded and the application delivered. It is often the case that several techniques can be combined; an application need not restrict itself to the use of just one technique. The goal of clustering is to reduce your working set size; yield higher data density; and reduce the number of pages which need to be transferred between the application and the ObjectStore server. How to cite Clustering Techniques in Oodbms (Using Objectstore), Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Generoso Pharmaceuticals Essay Example For Students

Generoso Pharmaceuticals Essay I. TITLE â€Å"Generoso Pharmaceuticals Chemicals, Inc. † II. POINT OF VIEW David Generoso, President (GPC), a salesman III. BACKGROUND David Generoso could feel his â€Å"five-year itch† once more. He already had behind him 15 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry and was managing an interesting portfolio of businesses revolving around pharmaceutical and chemical products. Still, he felt he had not exhausted the opportunities had to offer. David began his career in the Philippine pharmaceutical industry as a salesman in the Central Luzon region for a number of multinational pharmaceutical firms. After five years combing the Central Luzon region, 1978, David established a company called Generoso Pharmaceuticals and Chemicals (GPC) with Elizabeth and a business associate, Rafael Buenaventura who was a salesman like David. The team set up shop at the Generoso Residence in Tarlac. GPC was incorporated in 1982 as the increased volume of operations needed a broader-based management. David assumed the position of President, while Rafael was the General Manager. David’s first attempt in manufacturing with chemical was for veterinary medicine as he is a lover of dogs. David’s initial success with veterinary medicine encouraged him to start GPC’s own line of pharmaceuticals in 1983. GPC’s product line started with pressed tablet, capsules and some syrup. Moreover, the development from the American principal came in time with the Generic Bill. David with the flame of nationalism burning heart was in full support of the bill. The Generics Bill spurred an overall feeling of uncertainty in the drugs industry. Of an industry that had long been considered recession-proof and one of the most stable, the reaction was expected. Nevertheless, some sectors of the industry realized that the pharmaceutical industry will always be there. It is a matter of who are going to be the key player and who will be around. David has foresight to registrar the pharmaceutical products he was introduced to during hid travels in the states when he came back to the Philippines. Even now, when a new development occurs abroad, he pursues the lead immediately and registers the product with BFAD (must to frustration of his wife who does not appreciate the costly registration of the product with no foreseeable benefits yet). When the Generics Bill came along, David’s foresight paid off. With the National Drug List being prepared, more and more pharmaceutical products will be struck from the list as the essentials remain. In addition, new products will come in to replace inferior drugs. GPC now has over 100 registrations with the BFAD and is currently only manufacturing 60 the registered products. GPC, thus, has a lot of rooms for expansion, In the meantime, the BFAD had temporarily stopped accepting product registrations and is not expected to entertain, such applications until after 5 years with the glut of brands per generic drug. For David, GPC’s strength lies not so much in its past performance but in its registration files. There was one thought though, that made David sad, GPC will have to hire a German expatriate to oversee the project. No Filipino could qualify for such responsibilities yet for GPC to remain competitive. Not even David, with his 15 years of experience, was qualified. The lack of qualified chemists is an industry problem of which GPC has not been spared. David gathered GPC’s Executive Committee composed of Rafael, Elizabeth, The Sales Manager, the Production Manager and Himself to explore and evaluate the opportunities provided by the latest development. He wanted them to thresh out the issues they should address and develop a vision for GPC. The company was now a going concern valued at P40 million. The propped project would cost approximately P135 million. IV. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM A. BFAD temporarily stopped accepting product registration. B. Lack of qualified chemist and supporting staff. C. Lack of administrative force D. Budget for the proposed project. V. OBJECTIVE To identify ways on how to handle such administrative problems. VI. SWOT ANALYSIS A. Strength 1. GPC has over 100 registrations with the BFAD 2. David has 15 years of experience in managing pharmaceutical firm. . GPC has a good business background and reputation. 4. GPC has a potential for expansion. B. Weakness 1. Lack of Qualified Chemists 2. Lack of Administrative Forces C. Opportunities 1. Competitive Advantages in terms of product line. 2. Already penetrated the International Market D. Threats 1. Multinational Competitors VII. ALTERNATIVE COURSES OF ACTION A. Focus to the 60 registered products being manufactured by the company to maintain its co mpetitiveness along with other Multinational Firms. 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C. To add and adopt an administrative staff to help in formulating strategies for the growth of the GPC. D. Acquire loans to support the proposed project. VIII. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION We recommend acquiring loans to support the proposed project of GPC which focus to finance hired qualified chemists and administrative support forces who are able to create much effective strategies and decisions to make GPC more competitive.