Thursday, February 27, 2020

Compare & contrast Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Compare & contrast - Essay Example Abstinence is advantageous because it ensures quick transformation from a bad habit to a good habit. For example, a person may decide that starting today; they will never smoke, and then stick to their decision. Secondly, a person may break a bad habit by tapering off, which highly bases on harm reduction. Bad habits result in harm, so one may choose to reduce the harm by reducing the number of times they engage in the bad habit. A person will start cutting back on the bad habit, like gradually rolling back the bad habit until it finally disappears completely. For example, a smoker used to five cigarettes daily may decide to smoke only two, then one, and finally quit smoking. The two ways present different conditions, so one may choose depending on how well they can cope. Comparing the two, abstinence may be harsh and hard considering that a habit, which has existed for many months or years, needs to be broken within a short period. This makes abstinence appropriate for habits such as gambling, but inappropriate for others, such as procrastination. With tapering, one risks prolonging their relationship with the old bad habit if they lose focus. However, tapering is effective as it enables gradual deviation from bad habit, which is less stressful than abstinence. In conclusion, bad habits bear adverse effects on lives, therefore should be abandoned. Before breaking a bad habit, first, it needs to be identified, and then one decides to break it. Different ways of breaking it may be chosen depending on effectiveness and nature of the habit. Abstinence may be useful in addictive behavior influenced by environment, while tapering may be used together with other methods due to its

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Case study Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

Case study - Assignment Example Finally, I will have to evaluate the decision once a diet program is adopted to ascertain the satisfaction it is intended (Chater 15). In a business, value is created through performing actions, which increase its worth of services and goods. Weight Watchers have created value employ the use of the Internet in enabling members to check meals at popular restaurants, point values for food, as well as add meals or snacks to their daily food journals online (Brazin 34). They have also created similar cell phone applications and services for training on fitness. Jenny Craig has created value through offering additional one-on-one counseling services to members and customizing diet programs to fit various social groups like men, women, or teenagers (Fayolle 30). The determinant attributes that set Jenny Craig’s and Weight Watchers’ programs apart include diet program, cost, average weight loss, support, the percentage of participants still in the program after four weeks, as well as long term assistance. The two diet companies through several ways such as building realistic expectations, which are neither too high nor too low, can enhance customer satisfaction. It will be prudent for them to note that unrealistically high expectations from consumers of their services set through personal selling or advertisement may initially lead to higher sales, but in the result in dissatisfaction if the diet programs do not meet the expectations (Randall 54). They can also do this by demonstrating correct implementation of their diet programs through actual recordings of success in previous cases. This will enable them to sell more by standing behind their services and products through provision of money-back warranties and guarantees. Customer satisfaction can also be improved through encouraging feedback from them. This will help in cutting down on negative word of mouth as well as